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‘A virtuous circle of more funds’: Could new Lux laws unlock alts investing? (Citywire Selector)

Anna Barath, Bite’s Head of Fund Investments, speaks to Citywire Selector in a video interview on the new legislation in Luxembourg, passed by the parliament to boost access to alternatives and the implications this has to the industry and the way managers put together their strategies and products. 

Luxembourg’s parliament recently passed Bill 8183, which is designed to boost access to alts funds for retail investors in the jurisdiction, including those based abroad.

Anna Barath, head of fund investments at Bite Investments, dialled in from Lisbon to discuss the implications of the new legislation with Citywire Selector news editor Ian Heath.

Barath said the bill was a response to growing demand and supply drivers for access to private markets and should help further cement Luxembourg’s status as a funds hub.

Reforms introduced under Bill 8183 include:

  • Clarifying the definition of a ‘well-informed investor’ and lowering the minimum investment threshold for alternative funds from €125,000 to €100,000.
  • Extending the minimum period of time for funds to reach their minimum level of capital from 12 to 24 months.
  • Lightening of regulation and broadening of eligible corporate structures.
  • Modernisation of the subscription tax regime for Eltifs and Pan-European Pension Product funds.

Source: Citywire Selector


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