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Brookfield, Apollo Staff Up to Target Advisor Markets Overseas (FundFire)

In an interview with FundFire, Charlie von Moll, Head of UK and Europe at Bite Investments, discusses what fund managers need to consider when expanding abroad to cater to the local wealth management industry.

In a new FundFire article, Tom Stabile writes that fund managers are hiring leadership teams to help distribute advisor-oriented alts funds outside of the U.S. In his article, Charlie von Moll, Head of Europe for Bite Investments, was interviewed. Charlie highlighted that U.S. managers must factor in extra work to build deeper relationships with European and Asian wealth management platforms and regulators. He said: “Strategically, the right call would be to strike up those relationships, and of course to do it in as efficient as way as possible,” he said. “That’s especially for the compliance footprint… There are specific things that Hong Kong regulators need you to ask investors… different from what they need in Japan or Australia.”

Full article can be read here. Please note it is behind a paywall.

Source: FundFire


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